Thursday, June 18, 2009

250 Ways To Hide Cash - Goldman Maps the World

Notice the funds at the bottom. A series of "Ultra-Short Dur Gov" funds. Does this mean GS is forever short the US Government? no matter what happens? (Duration) But wait, they get paid to advise the US Government. Ah, Principal or Agency relationships ? What's the dif--?
Not much according to "The Partnership" the book authored by GS about GS.

Goldman Sachs Absolute Return Tracker A
Goldman Sachs Absolute Return Tracker C
Goldman Sachs Absolute Return Tracker I
Goldman Sachs Absolute Return Tracker IR
Goldman Sachs Absolute Return Tracker R
Goldman Sachs All Cap Growth A
Goldman Sachs All Cap Growth C
Goldman Sachs All Cap Growth I
Goldman Sachs All Cap Growth IR
Goldman Sachs All Cap Growth R
Goldman Sachs Asia Equity A
Goldman Sachs Asia Equity B
Goldman Sachs Asia Equity C
Goldman Sachs Asia Equity Instl
Goldman Sachs Balanced A
Goldman Sachs Balanced B
Goldman Sachs Balanced C
Goldman Sachs Balanced Instl
Goldman Sachs Balanced Strat A
Goldman Sachs Balanced Strat B
Goldman Sachs Balanced Strat C
Goldman Sachs Balanced Strat Instl
Goldman Sachs Balanced Strat IR
Goldman Sachs Balanced Strat R
Goldman Sachs Balanced Strategy Svc
Goldman Sachs BRIC A
Goldman Sachs BRIC C
Goldman Sachs BRIC Inst
Goldman Sachs Capital Growth A
Goldman Sachs Capital Growth B
Goldman Sachs Capital Growth C
Goldman Sachs Capital Growth Instl
Goldman Sachs Capital Growth IR
Goldman Sachs Capital Growth R
Goldman Sachs Capital Growth Svc
Goldman Sachs Commodity Strategy A
Goldman Sachs Commodity Strategy C
Goldman Sachs Commodity Strategy Instl
Goldman Sachs Commodity Strategy IR
Goldman Sachs Commodity Strategy R
Goldman Sachs Concentrated Growth A
Goldman Sachs Concentrated Growth B
Goldman Sachs Concentrated Growth C
Goldman Sachs Concentrated Growth I
Goldman Sachs Concentrated Growth IR
Goldman Sachs Concentrated Growth R
Goldman Sachs Concentrated Intl Eq A
Goldman Sachs Concentrated Intl Eq B
Goldman Sachs Concentrated Intl Eq C
Goldman Sachs Concentrated Intl Eq Svc
Goldman Sachs Concntr Intl Eq Instl
Goldman Sachs Core Fixed-Inc A
Goldman Sachs Core Fixed-Inc B
Goldman Sachs Core Fixed-Inc C
Goldman Sachs Core Fixed-Inc Instl
Goldman Sachs Core Fixed-Inc IR
Goldman Sachs Core Fixed-Inc R
Goldman Sachs Core Fixed-Inc Svc
Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income A
Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income B
Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income C
Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income I
Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income IR
Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income R
Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income Svc
Goldman Sachs Emerging Market Debt A
Goldman Sachs Emerging Market Debt C
Goldman Sachs Emerging Market Debt I
Goldman Sachs Emerging Mkts Eq Svc
Goldman Sachs Emerging Mkts Equity A
Goldman Sachs Emerging Mkts Equity B
Goldman Sachs Emerging Mkts Equity C
Goldman Sachs Emerging Mkts Equity Instl
Goldman Sachs Enhanced Income A
Goldman Sachs Enhanced Income Admin
Goldman Sachs Enhanced Income B
Goldman Sachs Enhanced Income Instl
Goldman Sachs Equity Growth Strategy A
Goldman Sachs Equity Growth Strategy B
Goldman Sachs Equity Growth Strategy C
Goldman Sachs Equity Growth Strategy Ins
Goldman Sachs Equity Growth Strategy IR
Goldman Sachs Equity Growth Strategy R
Goldman Sachs Equity Growth Strategy Svc
Goldman Sachs Global Income A
Goldman Sachs Global Income B
Goldman Sachs Global Income C
Goldman Sachs Global Income Instl
Goldman Sachs Global Income Svc
Goldman Sachs Government Income A
Goldman Sachs Government Income B
Goldman Sachs Government Income C
Goldman Sachs Government Income Instl
Goldman Sachs Government Income IR
Goldman Sachs Government Income R
Goldman Sachs Government Income Svc
Goldman Sachs Growth & Inc A
Goldman Sachs Growth & Inc B
Goldman Sachs Growth & Inc C
Goldman Sachs Growth & Inc Instl
Goldman Sachs Growth & Inc Strat A
Goldman Sachs Growth & Inc Strat B
Goldman Sachs Growth & Inc Strat C
Goldman Sachs Growth & Inc Strat Inst
Goldman Sachs Growth & Inc Strat IR
Goldman Sachs Growth & Inc Strat R
Goldman Sachs Growth & Inc Strat Svc
Goldman Sachs Growth & Inc Svc
Goldman Sachs Growth and Income IR
Goldman Sachs Growth and Income R
Goldman Sachs Growth Opp Svc
Goldman Sachs Growth Opportunities A
Goldman Sachs Growth Opportunities B
Goldman Sachs Growth Opportunities C
Goldman Sachs Growth Opportunities I
Goldman Sachs Growth Opportunities IR
Goldman Sachs Growth Opportunities R
Goldman Sachs Growth Strat A
Goldman Sachs Growth Strat B
Goldman Sachs Growth Strat C
Goldman Sachs Growth Strat Instl
Goldman Sachs Growth Strat IR
Goldman Sachs Growth Strat R
Goldman Sachs Growth Strat Svc
Goldman Sachs High Yield A
Goldman Sachs High Yield B
Goldman Sachs High Yield C
Goldman Sachs High Yield Instl
Goldman Sachs High Yield IR
Goldman Sachs High Yield Muni A
Goldman Sachs High Yield Muni B
Goldman Sachs High Yield Muni C
Goldman Sachs High Yield Muni Instl
Goldman Sachs High Yield R
Goldman Sachs High Yield Svc
Goldman Sachs Income Strategies A
Goldman Sachs Income Strategies C
Goldman Sachs Income Strategies Instl
Goldman Sachs Income Strategies IR
Goldman Sachs Income Strategies R
Goldman Sachs Infl Protected Secs Instl
Goldman Sachs Infl Protected Secs IR
Goldman Sachs Inflation Protected Secs A
Goldman Sachs Inflation Protected Secs C
Goldman Sachs Inflation Protected Secs R
Goldman Sachs Intl Eq Dividend&Premium A
Goldman Sachs Intl Eq Dividend&Premium C
Goldman Sachs Intl Eq Dividend&Premium I
Goldman Sachs Intl Real Estate Sec A
Goldman Sachs Intl Real Estate Sec C
Goldman Sachs Intl Real Estate Sec I
Goldman Sachs Intl Real Estate Sec IR
Goldman Sachs Intl Small Cap A
Goldman Sachs Intl Small Cap B
Goldman Sachs Intl Small Cap C
Goldman Sachs Intl Small Cap Instl
Goldman Sachs Intl Small Cap Svc
Goldman Sachs Invest Grade Credit A
Goldman Sachs Invest Grade Credit Inst
Goldman Sachs Invest Grade Credit SAI
Goldman Sachs Large Cap Value A
Goldman Sachs Large Cap Value B
Goldman Sachs Large Cap Value C
Goldman Sachs Large Cap Value Inst
Goldman Sachs Large Cap Value IR
Goldman Sachs Large Cap Value R
Goldman Sachs Large Cap Value Svc
Goldman Sachs Local Emg Mkts Debt A
Goldman Sachs Local Emg Mkts Debt C
Goldman Sachs Local Emg Mkts Debt Inst
Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value A
Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value B
Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value C
Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Instl
Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value IR
Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value R
Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Service
Goldman Sachs Municipal Income A
Goldman Sachs Municipal Income B
Goldman Sachs Municipal Income C
Goldman Sachs Municipal Income Instl
Goldman Sachs Municipal Income Svc
Goldman Sachs Real Estate A
Goldman Sachs Real Estate B
Goldman Sachs Real Estate C
Goldman Sachs Real Estate Instl
Goldman Sachs Real Estate IR
Goldman Sachs Real Estate R
Goldman Sachs Real Estate Svc
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2010 A
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2010 Instl
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2010 IR
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2010 R
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2015 A
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2015 Instl
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2015 IR
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2015 R
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2020 A
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2020 Instl
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2020 IR
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2020 R
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2030 A
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2030 Instl
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2030 IR
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2030 R
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2040 A
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2040 Instl
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2040 IR
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2040 R
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2050 A
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2050 Instl
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2050 IR
Goldman Sachs Retirement Str 2050 R
Goldman Sachs Satellite Strategies A
Goldman Sachs Satellite Strategies C
Goldman Sachs Satellite Strategies Instl
Goldman Sachs Satellite Strategies IR
Goldman Sachs Satellite Strategies R
Goldman Sachs Satellite Strategies Svc
Goldman Sachs Short Dur Govt A
Goldman Sachs Short Dur Govt B
Goldman Sachs Short Dur Govt C
Goldman Sachs Short Dur Govt Instl
Goldman Sachs Short Dur Govt IR
Goldman Sachs Short Dur Govt Svc
Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F A
Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F B
Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F C
Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F Instl
Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F Svc
Goldman Sachs Small Cap Value A
Goldman Sachs Small Cap Value B
Goldman Sachs Small Cap Value C
Goldman Sachs Small Cap Value Inst
Goldman Sachs Small Cap Value IR
Goldman Sachs Small Cap Value R
Goldman Sachs Small Cap Value Svc
Goldman Sachs Small/Mid Cap Growth A
Goldman Sachs Small/Mid Cap Growth B
Goldman Sachs Small/Mid Cap Growth C
Goldman Sachs Small/Mid Cap Growth I
Goldman Sachs Small/Mid Cap Growth IR
Goldman Sachs Small/Mid Cap Growth R
Goldman Sachs Small/Mid Cap Growth S
Goldman Sachs Strategic Growth A
Goldman Sachs Strategic Growth B
Goldman Sachs Strategic Growth C
Goldman Sachs Strategic Growth Instl
Goldman Sachs Strategic Growth IR
Goldman Sachs Strategic Growth R
Goldman Sachs Strategic Growth Svc
Goldman Sachs Strategic Intl Equity A
Goldman Sachs Strategic Intl Equity B
Goldman Sachs Strategic Intl Equity C
Goldman Sachs Strategic Intl Equity Inst
Goldman Sachs Strategic Intl Equity IR
Goldman Sachs Strategic Intl Equity R
Goldman Sachs Struct Intl T/M Eq Inst
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Gr A
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Gr B
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Gr C
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Gr I
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Gr IR
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Gr R
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Gr S
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Val A
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Val B
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Val C
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Val I
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Val R
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Val S
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cp Val IR
Goldman Sachs Structured Emg Mkt Eq A
Goldman Sachs Structured Emg Mkt Eq C
Goldman Sachs Structured Emg Mkt Eq Intl
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Eq Flex A
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Eq Flex C
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Eq Flex I
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Eq Flex IR
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Eq Flex R
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Equity A
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Equity B
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Equity C
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Equity I
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Equity IR
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Equity R
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Equity S
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Small Cp A
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Small Cp C
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl Small Cp I
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl T/M Eq A
Goldman Sachs Structured Intl T/M Eq C
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Gr A
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Gr B
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Gr C
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Gr Instl
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Gr IR
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Gr R
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Val A
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Val B
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Val C
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Val I
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Val IR
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Val R
Goldman Sachs Structured Small Cap Eq A
Goldman Sachs Structured Small Cap Eq B
Goldman Sachs Structured Small Cap Eq C
Goldman Sachs Structured Small Cap Eq I
Goldman Sachs Structured Small Cap Eq IR
Goldman Sachs Structured Small Cap Eq R
Goldman Sachs Structured Small Cap Eq S
Goldman Sachs Structured Tax-Mgd Eq A
Goldman Sachs Structured Tax-Mgd Eq B
Goldman Sachs Structured Tax-Mgd Eq C
Goldman Sachs Structured Tax-Mgd Eq I
Goldman Sachs Structured Tax-Mgd Eq S
Goldman Sachs Structured U.S. Equity A
Goldman Sachs Structured U.S. Equity B
Goldman Sachs Structured U.S. Equity C
Goldman Sachs Structured U.S. Equity I
Goldman Sachs Structured U.S. Equity IR
Goldman Sachs Structured U.S. Equity R
Goldman Sachs Structured U.S. Equity S

hmm,, Tollkeeper, sounds like a good one!

Goldman Sachs Tollkeeper A
Goldman Sachs Tollkeeper B
Goldman Sachs Tollkeeper C
Goldman Sachs Tollkeeper Ins
Goldman Sachs Tollkeeper Svc

Goldman Sachs U.S. Eq Div and Premium A
Goldman Sachs U.S. Eq Div and Premium C
Goldman Sachs U.S. Eq Div and Premium I

Ah, these must be the funds causing havoc in the subprime market!

Goldman Sachs U.S. Mortgages A
Goldman Sachs U.S. Mortgages Inst
Goldman Sachs U.S. Mortgages SAI

And forever Short the US Government, no matter what happens.

Goldman Sachs Ultra-Short Dur Gov A
Goldman Sachs Ultra-Short Dur Gov Ins
Goldman Sachs Ultra-Short Dur Gov IR
Goldman Sachs Ultra-Short Dur Gov Svc

As, George Soros recently stated in Credit-Default- Swaps are used in "bear raids" on companies, or even governments!

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